Him Chhaya is a privately managed agriculture college affiliated to Agriculture and Forestry University Rampur Chitwan to teach B. Sc. Ag courses. This college is situated at Gaindakot – 8, Nawalparasi (infront of Vijaya Vikas Resource Centre: VDRC) which is about 200m south of East-West Highway. It is about 5 kilometers far from Narayangadh Bazaar. This College was established by highly qualified, experienced and devoted retired professors of agricultural sciences and other professionals.
We have highly qualified and experienced professors to teach courses. We are committed to provide high quality education (both theory and practical) and guardianship to our students. We believe on ‘learning by doing’. We monitor our teachers and classes periodically without pre-information and judge quality of teaching. We follow mixed type of teaching learning methods (slides-50%, white board-25% and student interaction-25%). We have very good library, our own orchard and fields for student practical. We manage periodical field visits, seminars and extra-curricular activities (essay, speech, poem competition, tiktok competition and so on) in relation to agricultural development, innovation and agriculture policy issues. Time to time we visit farmers’ field and learn how farmers are operating heir farms. We visit different animal farms and feed industries as well. We follow notes and class lectures of Agriculure Faculty, AFU, Rampur. We are committed to fulfil the expectations of AFU (our mother organization). Finally, I request respected guardians to visit our website, facebook page and if possible, our college, our field and our student activities. We always expect your positive suggestions and we will correct your suggestion in a very short period of time to uplift academics of our students. If you believe us please send your children in Him Chhaya College for B.Sc. agriculture education, we assure you that your children will be academically sound, practically skilled and multidimensional.